The 9-Euro-Fund:
A Ticket for All!
Cheap, simple, popular: the 9-Euro-Ticket was a huge success. Nevertheless, up until now, the Greens-FDP-SDP government did not extend it. To ensure that everyone remains mobile, we are now continuing the 9-Euro-Ticket as a civil society initiative. Let’s make climate-friendly mobility from the bottom up! For local public transport that everyone can afford! How does it work? Become a member of the 9-Euro-Fund and experience the solidarity! If you are then checked, we will pay the increased fare for you. Each member can also exempt one other person per month from their parking ticket.
The 9-Euro-Fund: A Ticket for All!
Cheap, simple, popular: the 9-Euro-Ticket was a huge success. Nevertheless, up until now, the Greens-FDP-SDP government did not extend it. To ensure that everyone remains mobile, we are now continuing the 9-Euro-Ticket as a civil society initiative. Let’s make climate-friendly mobility from the bottom up! For local public transport that everyone can afford! How does it work? Become a member of the 9-Euro-Fund and experience the solidarity! If you are then checked, we will pay the increased fare for you. Each member can also exempt one other person per month from their parking ticket.
The 9-Euro-Fund: A Ticket for All!
Cheap, simple, popular: the 9-Euro-Ticket was a huge success. Nevertheless, up until now, the Greens-FDP-SDP government did not extend it. To ensure that everyone remains mobile, we are now continuing the 9-Euro-Ticket as a civil society initiative. Let’s make climate-friendly mobility from the bottom up! For local public transport that everyone can afford! How does it work? Become a member of the 9-Euro-Fund and experience the solidarity! If you are then checked, we will pay the increased fare for you. Each member can also exempt one other person per month from their parking ticket.
Supported by

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End the 9-Euro-Ticket? No, no, no – instead the FDP should go.
The majority of the population and transport associations are clearly in favor of the 9-Euro-Ticket. More and more people want socially responsible and sustainable mobility. Instead of listening to the people, the coalition and especially the FDP have decided to govern only for the rich and for the car lobby. We demand: Public transport must be affordable for everyone, and the 9-Euro-Ticket must be brought back immediately.
End the 9-Euro-Ticket? No, no, no – instead the FDP should go.

The majority of the population and transport associations are clearly in favor of the 9-Euro-Ticket. More and more people want socially responsible and sustainable mobility. Instead of listening to the people, the coalition and especially the FDP have decided to govern only for the rich and for the car lobby. We demand: Public transport must be affordable for everyone, and the 9-Euro-Ticket must be brought back immediately.

End the 9-Euro-Ticket? No, no, no – instead the FDP should go.
The majority of the population and transport associations are clearly in favor of the 9-Euro-Ticket. More and more people want socially responsible and sustainable mobility. Instead of listening to the people, the coalition and especially the FDP have decided to govern only for the rich and for the car lobby. We demand: Public transport must be affordable for everyone, and the 9-Euro-Ticket must be brought back immediately.
Until then, we've created the 9-Euro-Fund
We will continue to pay 9 euros per month. But not to the transport companies, instead we will pay into a fund that will become a solidarity pot for all who join our action.
If thousands of people publicly create the 9-Euro-Ticket themselves in the next few weeks, the situation will become tense for the coalition government, and they will have to think of a solution.
Each member can also exempt one other person a month from their increased fare. If more and more people travel without a ticket and publicly demand that the government reintroduce the 9-Euro-Ticket, the pressure to act increases.
You too can join in the campaign!

Until then, we've created the 9-Euro-Fund

We will continue to pay 9 euros per month. But not to the transport companies, instead we will pay into a fund that will become a solidarity pot for all who join our action.
If thousands of people publicly create the 9-Euro-Ticket themselves in the next few weeks, the situation will become tense for the coalition government, and they will have to think of a solution.
Each member can also exempt one other person a month from their increased fare. If more and more people travel without a ticket and publicly demand that the government reintroduce the 9-Euro-Ticket, the pressure to act increases.
You too can join in the campaign!

Until then, we've created the 9-Euro-Fund
We will continue to pay 9 euros per month. But not to the transport companies, instead we will pay into a fund that will become a solidarity pot for all who join our action.
If thousands of people publicly create the 9-Euro-Ticket themselves in the next few weeks, the situation will become tense for the coalition government, and they will have to think of a solution.
Each member can also exempt one other person a month from their increased fare. If more and more people travel without a ticket and publicly demand that the government reintroduce the 9-Euro-Ticket, the pressure to act increases.
You too can join in the campaign!

Scenario 1: Member submits an increased transportation charge
You travel by train and your tickets are checked. If you don’t have a ticket and are a member of the 9-Euro-Fund, you can still remain completely relaxed. Simply accept the payment request for the increased transportation charge and send an email with the payment request to „entgelt@9eurofonds.de„. The email must contain the following information:
- Photo of the payment request,
- your current order number,
- IBAN and
- name of the transport company,
- EBE/FN number (see payment request).
The 9-Euro-Fund will then pay the increased fare for you.
Scenario 1: Member submits an increased transportation charge

You travel by train and your tickets are checked. If you don’t have a ticket and are a member of the 9-Euro-Fund, you can still remain completely relaxed. Simply accept the payment request for the increased transportation charge and send an email with the payment request to „entgelt@9eurofonds.de„. The email must contain the following information:
- Photo of the payment request,
- your current order number,
- IBAN and
- name of the transport company,
- EBE/FN number (see payment request).
The 9-Euro-Fund will then pay the increased fare for you.
Scenario 1: Member submits an increased transportation charge

You travel by train and your tickets are checked. If you don’t have a ticket and are a member of the 9-Euro-Fund, you can still remain completely relaxed. Simply accept the payment request for the increased transportation charge and send an email with the payment request to „entgelt@9eurofonds.de„. The email must contain the following information:
- Photo of the payment request,
- your current order number,
- IBAN and
- name of the transport company,
- EBE/FN number (see payment request).
The 9-Euro-Fund will then pay the increased fare for you.
Scenario 2: Another person submits an increased transportation charge
As a member of the 9-Euro-Fund, you can offer another person (referred to below as +1) a month for the Fund to pay their increased fare. If you notice that a person is checked on the train without a ticket, share your current order number with them and explain what to do:
-> The +1 must send an email to „entgeld@9eurofonds.de“
with the following information:
- your current order number
- photo of the payment request,
- IBAN and
- name of the transport company and
- EBE/FN number (to be taken from the payment request).
The 9-Euro-Fonds will then pay the increased transportation fee for the +1 and send you a confirmation.

Scenario 2: Another person submits an increased transportation charge

As a member of the 9-Euro-Fund, you can offer another person (referred to below as +1) a month for the Fund to pay their increased fare. If you notice that a person is checked on the train without a ticket, share your current order number with them and explain what to do:
-> The +1 must send an email to „entgeld@9eurofonds.de“
with the following information:
- your current order number
- photo of the payment request,
- IBAN and
- name of the transport company and
- EBE/FN number (to be taken from the payment request).
The 9-Euro-Fonds will then pay the increased transportation fee for the +1 and send you a confirmation.
Scenario 2: Another person submits an increased transportation charge

As a member of the 9-Euro-Fund, you can offer another person (referred to below as +1) a month for the Fund to pay their increased fare. If you notice that a person is checked on the train without a ticket, share your current order number with them and explain what to do:
-> The +1 must send an email to „entgeld@9eurofonds.de“
with the following information:
- your current order number
- photo of the payment request,
- IBAN and
- name of the transport company and
- EBE/FN number (to be taken from the payment request).
The 9-Euro-Fonds will then pay the increased transportation fee for the +1 and send you a confirmation.
Our demand: bring back the 9-Euro-Ticket!
1. Expand public transport
Tightly timed, barrier-free with a doubling of bus and rail services by 2030. Public mobility must be comprehensive so that more people leave their cars at home. At the same time, everyone must be able to afford public transport in order to guarantee social participation. We demand: Massive investment in networks, buses, trains and a social pricing policy.
2. Decriminalization of riding without a ticket
7,000 people are imprisoned in Germany every year for driving without a ticket. The FDP Justice Minister Buschmann is now presenting a draft law to declare this offense an administrative offense. In doing so, he wants to take up the cause of the decriminalization that has long been demanded. However, this law will also land people in jail for not having a ticket. This is because, in addition to the increased fare, there will be an additional fine for every ticket inspection. If you are unable to pay, the state will investigate and, in the worst case, enforce imprisonment. This draft law penalizes people affected by poverty in particular. We demand: Public transportation that everyone can afford. Poverty is not a crime!
3. Hire more staff
100,000 new hires to replace staff leaving the companies, plus an additional 70,000 new positions for expansion and modernization. In addition, fair wages as well as good and healthy working conditions for all employees – bound by collective agreements.
4. Redistribute money
Reduction of diesel and company car privileges (more than 12 billion €/year) in favor of the expansion of public transport. Further dismantling of environment and climate damaging subsidies and redirection of funds to the public transport network, that would be freed up by stopping road construction projects.
Our demand: bring back the 9-Euro-Ticket!
Tightly timed, barrier-free with a doubling of bus and rail services by 2030. Public mobility must be comprehensive so that more people leave their cars at home. At the same time, everyone must be able to afford public transport in order to guarantee social participation. We demand: Massive investment in networks, buses, trains and a social pricing policy.
2. Decriminalization of riding without a ticket
7,000 people are imprisoned in Germany every year for driving without a ticket. The FDP Justice Minister Buschmann is now presenting a draft law to declare this offense an administrative offense. In doing so, he wants to take up the cause of the decriminalization that has long been demanded. However, this law will also land people in jail for not having a ticket. This is because, in addition to the increased fare, there will be an additional fine for every ticket inspection. If you are unable to pay, the state will investigate and, in the worst case, enforce imprisonment. This draft law penalizes people affected by poverty in particular. We demand: Public transportation that everyone can afford. Poverty is not a crime!
3. Hire more staff
100,000 new hires to replace staff leaving the companies, plus an additional 70,000 new positions for expansion and modernization. In addition, fair wages as well as good and healthy working conditions for all employees – bound by collective agreements.
4. Redistribute money
Reduction of diesel and company car privileges (more than 12 billion €/year) in favor of the expansion of public transport. Further dismantling of environment and climate damaging subsidies and redirection of funds to the public transport network, that would be freed up by stopping road construction projects.
Our demand: bring back the 9-Euro-Ticket!
1. Expand public transport
Tightly timed, barrier-free with a doubling of bus and rail services by 2030. Public mobility must be comprehensive so that more people leave their cars at home. At the same time, everyone must be able to afford public transport in order to guarantee social participation. We demand: Massive investment in networks, buses, trains and a social pricing policy.
2. Decriminalization of riding without a ticket
7,000 people are imprisoned in Germany every year for driving without a ticket. The FDP Justice Minister Buschmann is now presenting a draft law to declare this offense an administrative offense. In doing so, he wants to take up the cause of the decriminalization that has long been demanded. However, this law will also land people in jail for not having a ticket. This is because, in addition to the increased fare, there will be an additional fine for every ticket inspection. If you are unable to pay, the state will investigate and, in the worst case, enforce imprisonment. This draft law penalizes people affected by poverty in particular. We demand: Public transportation that everyone can afford. Poverty is not a crime!
3. Hire more staff
100,000 new hires to replace staff leaving the companies, plus an additional 70,000 new positions for expansion and modernization. In addition, fair wages as well as good and healthy working conditions for all employees – bound by collective agreements.
4. Redistribute money
Reduction of diesel and company car privileges (more than 12 billion €/year) in favor of the expansion of public transport. Further dismantling of environment and climate damaging subsidies and redirection of funds to the public transport network, that would be freed up by stopping road construction projects.
What should you bear in mind?

If you want to use the 9-Euro-Fund, please make sure that you have donated to the fund before traveling without a ticket. Unfortunately, we cannot accept requests from members who joined later. Please note: Riding without a valid ticket is currently still considered a criminal offense in Germany – even if the increased fare is paid afterwards. Transport companies can report you for this. Especially if you are checked several times without a valid ticket, you can expect to be reported to the police. We therefore recommend that you no longer use the fund after being checked without a ticket. The fund does not cover the costs of legal proceedings or fines. The 9-Euro-Fund is a political campaign. Our aim is to reintroduce the 9-euro ticket. Due to many donations, we assume that we will be able to pay all transportation fees. However, we cannot guarantee this. There is NO legal entitlement to payment of the increased fare. Should the fund be empty, we will inform all members in good time by e-mail.
Important: We do not all move through public space in the same way. Black people and people of color are also affected by racial profiling during ticket checks, even though this is illegal. What’s more, for all people without secure residence status, being reported to the police can have serious consequences. Anyone without secure residence status should only use public transport with a valid ticket! If you observe discriminatory behavior on buses and trains, we ask you to stand by those affected.
What should you bear in mind?

If you want to use the 9-Euro-Fund, please make sure that you have donated to the fund before traveling without a ticket. Unfortunately, we cannot accept requests from members who joined later. Please note: Riding without a valid ticket is currently still considered a criminal offense in Germany – even if the increased fare is paid afterwards. Transport companies can report you for this. Especially if you are checked several times without a valid ticket, you can expect to be reported to the police. We therefore recommend that you no longer use the fund after being checked without a ticket. The fund does not cover the costs of legal proceedings or fines. The 9-Euro-Fund is a political campaign. Our aim is to reintroduce the 9-euro ticket. Due to many donations, we assume that we will be able to pay all transportation fees. However, we cannot guarantee this. There is NO legal entitlement to payment of the increased fare. Should the fund be empty, we will inform all members in good time by e-mail.
Important: We do not all move through public space in the same way. Black people and people of color are also affected by racial profiling during ticket checks, even though this is illegal. What’s more, for all people without secure residence status, being reported to the police can have serious consequences. Anyone without secure residence status should only use public transport with a valid ticket! If you observe discriminatory behavior on buses and trains, we ask you to stand by those affected.
What should you bear in mind?

If you want to use the 9-Euro-Fund, please make sure that you have donated to the fund before traveling without a ticket. Unfortunately, we cannot accept requests from members who joined later. Please note: Riding without a valid ticket is currently still considered a criminal offense in Germany – even if the increased fare is paid afterwards. Transport companies can report you for this. Especially if you are checked several times without a valid ticket, you can expect to be reported to the police. We therefore recommend that you no longer use the fund after being checked without a ticket. The fund does not cover the costs of legal proceedings or fines. The 9-Euro-Fund is a political campaign. Our aim is to reintroduce the 9-euro ticket. Due to many donations, we assume that we will be able to pay all transportation fees. However, we cannot guarantee this. There is NO legal entitlement to payment of the increased fare. Should the fund be empty, we will inform all members in good time by e-mail.
Important: We do not all move through public space in the same way. Black people and people of color are also affected by racial profiling during ticket checks, even though this is illegal. What’s more, for all people without secure residence status, being reported to the police can have serious consequences. Anyone without secure residence status should only use public transport with a valid ticket! If you observe discriminatory behavior on buses and trains, we ask you to stand by those affected.
One sticker for all!
We call on you to wear our sticker visibly on public transport and to stick it everywhere in Germany where it is legal. Join us, stick and ride with us:
#9euroticketbleibt #oneticketforall #9eurofund
One sticker for all!

We call on you to wear our sticker visibly on public transport and to stick it everywhere in Germany where it is legal. Join us, stick and ride with us:
#9euroticketbleibt #oneticketforall #9eurofund
One sticker for all!

We call on you to wear our sticker visibly on public transport and to stick it everywhere in Germany where it is legal. Join us, stick and ride with us:
#9euroticketbleibt #oneticketforall #9eurofund
When does the 9 Euro Fund cover the costs?
We pay the fare for journeys within Germany on buses, underground trains, trams and S-Bahn trains, where the 9-euro ticket could previously also be used.
We do not cover increased transportation charges on DB regional services.

When does the 9 Euro Fund cover the costs?

We pay the fare for journeys within Germany on buses, underground trains, trams and S-Bahn trains, where the 9-euro ticket could previously also be used.
We do not cover increased transportation charges on DB regional services.

When does the 9 Euro Fund cover the costs?
We pay the fare for journeys within Germany on buses, underground trains, trams and S-Bahn trains, where the 9-euro ticket could previously also be used.
We do not cover increased transportation charges on DB regional services.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are a member of the fund and are checked without a ticket, the fund will pay the increased fare. Send an email to entgelt@9eurofonds.de with the following content: Send us a photo of the payment request, your current order number, the typed IBAN and the name of the relevant transport company. We also need the EBE number or FN number for the intended purpose. We will then transfer the fee for you and send you a confirmation. If you want to take someone with you, explain how to do it and pass on your current order number. This will allow us to recognize and pay for the ticket as a Soli 9 Euro ticket.
Driving without a ticket is still considered a criminal offense in Germany and every time you are checked without a ticket, the risk of being reported increases. We therefore recommend that you stop using the fund once you have been checked without a ticket. We do not cover the costs of penalties and legal proceedings. Please be aware that you ultimately bear the risk yourself. To protect you, we will cancel your active membership of the fund after the second ticket that we have taken over for you. In order not to endanger yourself, it is very important that you make sure that you are no longer checked without a ticket! Any additional people you have taken with you will not be counted.
Driving without a ticket is considered a criminal offense in Germany. You will be charged with the so-called „fraudulent obtaining of benefits“. If you are caught, there is nothing we can do about the legal consequences that may arise. If, for example, you are on probation, your visa depends on law-abiding behavior or similar, there is a much higher risk of being prosecuted than with others and/or the impending consequences are much more drastic. It is also possible that transport companies will record people who are caught without a ticket in a database – and people who have often traveled without a ticket will eventually be reported to the police. So always be aware of the risk and weigh up carefully whether you want to take it or not.
What are the benefits of your stickers and jute bags? The stickers and jute bags have two aims: Firstly, you make your demand for affordable mobility for everyone visible in public spaces, on buses and trains, and show that you are in favor of affordable mobility: I travel without a ticket because I demand that the 9-euro ticket be reintroduced. Secondly, you can try to refute the legal accusation of „fraudulent use of benefits“ with your openly worn statements. After all, it is difficult to speak of „fraud“ when ticketless travel is done publicly and explicitly. However, courts have so far ruled very differently on this. You can’t rely on anything here either. There is already case law which states that small stickers are not sufficient to avoid this accusation (KG, decision of March 2, 2011 – (4) 1 Ss 32/11 (19/11)). That is why our stickers are quite large, but even that is no guarantee. In addition, you may have to go to court to fight the argument – not all people are prepared to do this either.
After all, it is difficult to speak of „fraud“ if ticketless travel is done publicly and explicitly. However, courts have so far ruled very differently on this. You can’t rely on anything here either.
There is already case law which states that small stickers are not sufficient to avoid this accusation (KG, decision of March 2, 2011 – (4) 1 Ss 32/11 (19/11)). That is why our stickers are quite large, but even that is no guarantee. In addition, you may have to go to court to fight the argument – not everyone is prepared to do this either.
We are a small structure with few people and little resources and therefore we unfortunately cannot offer any further support with legal consequences – neither with finding lawyers, nor with emotional support or paying the actual fine after receiving a penalty order, should one actually come. You are of course free to write to us if you are threatened with further consequences – but we can’t guarantee that we can help.
If you were already a member before the inspection, the fund will pay the increased transportation fee for you and/or one other person per month! If you are checked without a ticket, please send us an email to entgelt@9eurofonds.de. In addition to a photo of the payment request addressed to you, please also send us the name of the transport company with its IBAN and the EBE number for the purpose of payment (sometimes also called FN no.). This information and your current order number must also be sent to us by the +1 person traveling on your order number. We will then settle the invoice for you or the +1 person and send a confirmation. As the penalty fees are time-limited payments, we ask you or your +1 person to inform us immediately after the inspection. This way we can transfer the money directly and there are no further reminder costs. If reminder costs are incurred because the mail reaches us too late, we ask you or the +1 person to bear these yourself. In this case, the fund will only pay the 60 euros.
I traveled without a ticket and was checked, but was not yet a member of the 9-Euro-Fund at the time. What can I do?
In this case, you will have to pay the fine yourself. It is not possible to join the fund at a later date. The 9-Euro-Fund works on the principle of solidarity. If everyone only joined when they had been checked without a ticket, there would very quickly be no money left in the fund. We want to prevent this and therefore only pay out the increased transportation fee to members or their +1 person.
The 9-Euro-Fund started as an independent activist initiative and has now slipped under the legal patronage of the party DIE PARTEI.
Generally speaking, you are a member as soon as you transfer money to the fund. If you are checked, we will pay the increased transportation fee for you and/or a +1 person per month. However, if you want to be absolutely sure that everything went smoothly with the transfer, please send us your request to admin@9eurofonds.de.
Actually a good idea! Unfortunately, the easiest way to allocate your payment is to place a new order on our website every month and enter your order number in the reference field. In the past, we have sometimes had problems with the allocation of standing orders. We therefore advise against this until further notice. At the end of each month, we therefore remind all members to pay into the donation fund again if they are interested.
Once you have paid in, you can be mobile for 9 euros until the end of the current month. Your membership of the fund works in the same way as a monthly ticket. At the end of each month, we will send you an e-mail reminding you to pay in again for the coming month.
We finance the fund from donations, so it is important that you think carefully about whether you can pay in a little more than €9 and that you tell all your friends and acquaintances about it, because with more people, the donations increase and the likelihood that the fund will not run out. If this happens, we will notify everyone in good time and let them know.
We pay the fare for journeys within Germany on buses, subway trains, streetcars and S-Bahn trains where the 9-euro ticket could previously be used. Regional transport operated by DB is not covered.
Basically: Yes. The 9-Euro-Fund is a solidarity pot and the contribution of 9 euros is a politically chosen amount to demand that the 9-euro ticket be reintroduced. Due to the broad circle of supporters and many donations, we are confident that we will be able to continue to pay all increased transport fares – however, we cannot guarantee this and there is no legal entitlement to this. If the fund is empty, we will ask for further donations and inform all members by email that we are currently no longer able to pay.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are a member of the fund and are checked without a ticket, the fund will pay the increased fare. Send an email to entgelt@9eurofonds.de with the following content: Send us a photo of the payment request, your current order number, the typed IBAN and the name of the relevant transport company. We also need the EBE number or FN number for the intended purpose. We will then transfer the fee for you and send you a confirmation. If you want to take someone with you, explain how to do it and pass on your current order number. This will allow us to recognize and pay for the ticket as a Soli 9 Euro ticket.
Driving without a ticket is still considered a criminal offense in Germany and every time you are checked without a ticket, the risk of being reported increases. We therefore recommend that you stop using the fund once you have been checked without a ticket. We do not cover the costs of penalties and legal proceedings. Please be aware that you ultimately bear the risk yourself. To protect you, we will cancel your active membership of the fund after the second ticket that we have taken over for you. In order not to endanger yourself, it is very important that you make sure that you are no longer checked without a ticket! Any additional people you have taken with you will not be counted.
Driving without a ticket is considered a criminal offense in Germany. You will be charged with the so-called „fraudulent obtaining of benefits“. If you are caught, there is nothing we can do about the legal consequences that may arise. If, for example, you are on probation, your visa depends on law-abiding behavior or similar, there is a much higher risk of being prosecuted than with others and/or the impending consequences are much more drastic. It is also possible that transport companies will record people who are caught without a ticket in a database – and people who have often traveled without a ticket will eventually be reported to the police. So always be aware of the risk and weigh up carefully whether you want to take it or not.
What are the benefits of your stickers and jute bags? The stickers and jute bags have two aims: Firstly, you make your demand for affordable mobility for everyone visible in public spaces, on buses and trains, and show that you are in favor of affordable mobility: I travel without a ticket because I demand that the 9-euro ticket be reintroduced. Secondly, you can try to refute the legal accusation of „fraudulent use of benefits“ with your openly worn statements. After all, it is difficult to speak of „fraud“ when ticketless travel is done publicly and explicitly. However, courts have so far ruled very differently on this. You can’t rely on anything here either. There is already case law which states that small stickers are not sufficient to avoid this accusation (KG, decision of March 2, 2011 – (4) 1 Ss 32/11 (19/11)). That is why our stickers are quite large, but even that is no guarantee. In addition, you may have to go to court to fight the argument – not all people are prepared to do this either.
After all, it is difficult to speak of „fraud“ if ticketless travel is done publicly and explicitly. However, courts have so far ruled very differently on this. You can’t rely on anything here either.
There is already case law which states that small stickers are not sufficient to avoid this accusation (KG, decision of March 2, 2011 – (4) 1 Ss 32/11 (19/11)). That is why our stickers are quite large, but even that is no guarantee. In addition, you may have to go to court to fight the argument – not everyone is prepared to do this either.
We are a small structure with few people and little resources and therefore we unfortunately cannot offer any further support with legal consequences – neither with finding lawyers, nor with emotional support or paying the actual fine after receiving a penalty order, should one actually come. You are of course free to write to us if you are threatened with further consequences – but we can’t guarantee that we can help.
If you were already a member before the inspection, the fund will pay the increased transportation fee for you and/or one other person per month! If you are checked without a ticket, please send us an email to entgelt@9eurofonds.de. In addition to a photo of the payment request addressed to you, please also send us the name of the transport company with its IBAN and the EBE number for the purpose of payment (sometimes also called FN no.). This information and your current order number must also be sent to us by the +1 person traveling on your order number. We will then settle the invoice for you or the +1 person and send a confirmation. As the penalty fees are time-limited payments, we ask you or your +1 person to inform us immediately after the inspection. This way we can transfer the money directly and there are no further reminder costs. If reminder costs are incurred because the mail reaches us too late, we ask you or the +1 person to bear these yourself. In this case, the fund will only pay the 60 euros.
I traveled without a ticket and was checked, but was not yet a member of the 9-Euro-Fund at the time. What can I do?
In this case, you will have to pay the fine yourself. It is not possible to join the fund at a later date. The 9-Euro-Fund works on the principle of solidarity. If everyone only joined when they had been checked without a ticket, there would very quickly be no money left in the fund. We want to prevent this and therefore only pay out the increased transportation fee to members or their +1 person.
The 9-Euro-Fund started as an independent activist initiative and has now slipped under the legal patronage of the party DIE PARTEI.
Generally speaking, you are a member as soon as you transfer money to the fund. If you are checked, we will pay the increased transportation fee for you and/or a +1 person per month. However, if you want to be absolutely sure that everything went smoothly with the transfer, please send us your request to admin@9eurofonds.de.
Actually a good idea! Unfortunately, the easiest way to allocate your payment is to place a new order on our website every month and enter your order number in the reference field. In the past, we have sometimes had problems with the allocation of standing orders. We therefore advise against this until further notice. At the end of each month, we therefore remind all members to pay into the donation fund again if they are interested.
Once you have paid in, you can be mobile for 9 euros until the end of the current month. Your membership of the fund works in the same way as a monthly ticket. At the end of each month, we will send you an e-mail reminding you to pay in again for the coming month.
We finance the fund from donations, so it is important that you think carefully about whether you can pay in a little more than €9 and that you tell all your friends and acquaintances about it, because with more people, the donations increase and the likelihood that the fund will not run out. If this happens, we will notify everyone in good time and let them know.
We pay the fare for journeys within Germany on buses, subway trains, streetcars and S-Bahn trains where the 9-euro ticket could previously be used. Regional transport operated by DB is not covered.
Basically: Yes. The 9-Euro-Fund is a solidarity pot and the contribution of 9 euros is a politically chosen amount to demand that the 9-euro ticket be reintroduced. Due to the broad circle of supporters and many donations, we are confident that we will be able to continue to pay all increased transport fares – however, we cannot guarantee this and there is no legal entitlement to this. If the fund is empty, we will ask for further donations and inform all members by email that we are currently no longer able to pay.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are a member of the fund and are checked without a ticket, the fund will pay the increased fare. Send an email to entgelt@9eurofonds.de with the following content: Send us a photo of the payment request, your current order number, the typed IBAN and the name of the relevant transport company. We also need the EBE number or FN number for the intended purpose. We will then transfer the fee for you and send you a confirmation. If you want to take someone with you, explain how to do it and pass on your current order number. This will allow us to recognize and pay for the ticket as a Soli 9 Euro ticket.
Driving without a ticket is still considered a criminal offense in Germany and every time you are checked without a ticket, the risk of being reported increases. We therefore recommend that you stop using the fund once you have been checked without a ticket. We do not cover the costs of penalties and legal proceedings. Please be aware that you ultimately bear the risk yourself. To protect you, we will cancel your active membership of the fund after the second ticket that we have taken over for you. In order not to endanger yourself, it is very important that you make sure that you are no longer checked without a ticket! Any additional people you have taken with you will not be counted.
Driving without a ticket is considered a criminal offense in Germany. You will be charged with the so-called „fraudulent obtaining of benefits“. If you are caught, there is nothing we can do about the legal consequences that may arise. If, for example, you are on probation, your visa depends on law-abiding behavior or similar, there is a much higher risk of being prosecuted than with others and/or the impending consequences are much more drastic. It is also possible that transport companies will record people who are caught without a ticket in a database – and people who have often traveled without a ticket will eventually be reported to the police. So always be aware of the risk and weigh up carefully whether you want to take it or not.
What are the benefits of your stickers and jute bags? The stickers and jute bags have two aims: Firstly, you make your demand for affordable mobility for everyone visible in public spaces, on buses and trains, and show that you are in favor of affordable mobility: I travel without a ticket because I demand that the 9-euro ticket be reintroduced. Secondly, you can try to refute the legal accusation of „fraudulent use of benefits“ with your openly worn statements. After all, it is difficult to speak of „fraud“ when ticketless travel is done publicly and explicitly. However, courts have so far ruled very differently on this. You can’t rely on anything here either. There is already case law which states that small stickers are not sufficient to avoid this accusation (KG, decision of March 2, 2011 – (4) 1 Ss 32/11 (19/11)). That is why our stickers are quite large, but even that is no guarantee. In addition, you may have to go to court to fight the argument – not all people are prepared to do this either.
After all, it is difficult to speak of „fraud“ if ticketless travel is done publicly and explicitly. However, courts have so far ruled very differently on this. You can’t rely on anything here either.
There is already case law which states that small stickers are not sufficient to avoid this accusation (KG, decision of March 2, 2011 – (4) 1 Ss 32/11 (19/11)). That is why our stickers are quite large, but even that is no guarantee. In addition, you may have to go to court to fight the argument – not everyone is prepared to do this either.
We are a small structure with few people and little resources and therefore we unfortunately cannot offer any further support with legal consequences – neither with finding lawyers, nor with emotional support or paying the actual fine after receiving a penalty order, should one actually come. You are of course free to write to us if you are threatened with further consequences – but we can’t guarantee that we can help.
If you were already a member before the inspection, the fund will pay the increased transportation fee for you and/or one other person per month! If you are checked without a ticket, please send us an email to entgelt@9eurofonds.de. In addition to a photo of the payment request addressed to you, please also send us the name of the transport company with its IBAN and the EBE number for the purpose of payment (sometimes also called FN no.). This information and your current order number must also be sent to us by the +1 person traveling on your order number. We will then settle the invoice for you or the +1 person and send a confirmation. As the penalty fees are time-limited payments, we ask you or your +1 person to inform us immediately after the inspection. This way we can transfer the money directly and there are no further reminder costs. If reminder costs are incurred because the mail reaches us too late, we ask you or the +1 person to bear these yourself. In this case, the fund will only pay the 60 euros.
I traveled without a ticket and was checked, but was not yet a member of the 9-Euro-Fund at the time. What can I do?
In this case, you will have to pay the fine yourself. It is not possible to join the fund at a later date. The 9-Euro-Fund works on the principle of solidarity. If everyone only joined when they had been checked without a ticket, there would very quickly be no money left in the fund. We want to prevent this and therefore only pay out the increased transportation fee to members or their +1 person.
The 9-Euro-Fund started as an independent activist initiative and has now slipped under the legal patronage of the party DIE PARTEI.
Generally speaking, you are a member as soon as you transfer money to the fund. If you are checked, we will pay the increased transportation fee for you and/or a +1 person per month. However, if you want to be absolutely sure that everything went smoothly with the transfer, please send us your request to admin@9eurofonds.de.
Actually a good idea! Unfortunately, the easiest way to allocate your payment is to place a new order on our website every month and enter your order number in the reference field. In the past, we have sometimes had problems with the allocation of standing orders. We therefore advise against this until further notice. At the end of each month, we therefore remind all members to pay into the donation fund again if they are interested.
Once you have paid in, you can be mobile for 9 euros until the end of the current month. Your membership of the fund works in the same way as a monthly ticket. At the end of each month, we will send you an e-mail reminding you to pay in again for the coming month.
We finance the fund from donations, so it is important that you think carefully about whether you can pay in a little more than €9 and that you tell all your friends and acquaintances about it, because with more people, the donations increase and the likelihood that the fund will not run out. If this happens, we will notify everyone in good time and let them know.
We pay the fare for journeys within Germany on buses, subway trains, streetcars and S-Bahn trains where the 9-euro ticket could previously be used. Regional transport operated by DB is not covered.
Basically: Yes. The 9-Euro-Fund is a solidarity pot and the contribution of 9 euros is a politically chosen amount to demand that the 9-euro ticket be reintroduced. Due to the broad circle of supporters and many donations, we are confident that we will be able to continue to pay all increased transport fares – however, we cannot guarantee this and there is no legal entitlement to this. If the fund is empty, we will ask for further donations and inform all members by email that we are currently no longer able to pay.
The right ticket for everyone
The 9-Euro-Fund is a solidarity pot.
The right ticket for everyone
The 9-Euro-Fund is a solidarity pot.
The right ticket for everyone
The 9-Euro-Fund is a solidarity pot.